Jacobs Douwe Egberts
Gerard van Moerkerk (JDE Coffee’s training coordinator) was looking for a solution to the mountain of Excel spreadsheets he was using in an attempt to manage all his co-workers’ skills. It was costing him way too much time and provided little or no overview. We asked him about his experiences with AG5.
Results achieved:
- Real-time skills matrices – accessible for everyone
- Improved training overviews – customizable for each employee
- Shared responsibility for development
- Great customer service and collaboration
What problems were you looking to solve?
Before we started using AG5, we were constantly making changes – modifying roles and adding and moving people about. It was a nightmare keeping on top of this using Excel spreadsheets. They were huge – totally unwieldy and overwhelming.
I’m so happy we can make changes so quickly and easily using AG5. Now, we can see exactly what each staff member needs to be working on and who has taken which course and who hasn’t. It’s even possible to make individual agreements, which makes it incredibly useful for all our team leaders.
Do you now have a better overview of your staff training?
Oh, yes! We can see exactly which training courses still need to be taken and what our staff need to be doing next. We used to lack insight into the status of several crucial safety training courses. Fortunately, AG5 has us covered! Now, we can all see exactly what the status is, including our managers.
Because AG5 depicts our skills-related information visually, we can see at a glance where we are and plan our training programs accordingly. Even our team leaders have access and can use this information to their advantage. Visualizing this information also creates a greater sense of responsibility within the teams themselves. It somehow fosters a keener interest at an individual level.
More importantly, there’s now just one version of each matrix, which is also always up to date.
How’s it going now?
We’ve made significant progress. We’ve moved from a humongous pile of Excel spreadsheets to a single environment that is quickly and easily accessible for all our users. More importantly, there’s now just one version of each matrix, which is also always up to date.
Of course, there are sometimes a few odds and ends that don’t quite work out, but even then what’s great about AG5 is they’re ready and waiting to investigate and put things right. We’re seriously impressed with your support.
What do think about our partnership?
Are you serious? I’m ecstatic about our partnership! That maybe sounds a bit over the top, but I can’t begin to tell you how pleasant it is to communicate and do business with AG5.
Take, for example, the speed with which you respond to requests. Suppose I send you an error message – I get an immediate response that it’s been received and read. And a short moment later, I get a notification that someone is already working on the solution.
We visited your offices in Amsterdam one time, and what impressed us was your company culture – how everyone interacts with one another. We loved it! I often recount our visit to your offices whenever I’m talking to others about AG5. Like your table tennis sessions and communal lunchtimes! Very inspiring!
Use AG5 to identify skill gaps
Say goodbye to Excel matrices. Start using AG5’s plug and play skill matrix software.
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